Qualifications: Grade 12 wth Candidate Physical Abilty Test (CPAT)Medical Test NFPA 1582Code C1 driver’s icense 


None, but must be between the periods of 18- 35Conditions Proficiency n at east two( 2) of the officia languages of the Western Cape( Afrkaans/ English/ sXhosa – Speak,Read and Write)∙ needed to work shifts and overtime as and when needed∙ needed to work at any fire station, fire serviceinstallation or section wthin the area of jurisdction as determined by the Chef Fire Officer∙ No crimnal record( Police concurrencedocument not aged than three( 3) months must accompany your operation)∙ Must be physicaly ft and suitable bodied to operate under extreme conditions and temperatures ncumbent must pass a Departmental Physcal Test upon entry and annualy later∙ Contestant must pass a medcal test pre- pacement/ Post offer/ birth( in servce conducted annualy orbi-annuallyincluding a test for the use of banned substances Must have no internal phobias related to caustrophobia( confned spaces,acrophoba( heights) bathphobia( depths), aquaphoba( water), homophobia( bood), achuophobia( darkness) authophobia( isoation) and necrophobia( corses )∙ Must be physicay and mentaly fitJob PurposePerforms a variety of tasks associated with responding to and dealng wth firefghting, exigency deliverance services, rendering basc medcal care, fire forestallment and training conditioning, operatng and mantaining fire outfit and outfit, maintaining fire station facites and reated work as needed under applicable supervson in order to cover lives and property of the citizens of the megacity n agreement wth the Fire Brigade Services Act( Act 99 of 1987)

Crucial Performance Areas Once trainng and mnimum qualificaton have been acheved, carryout firefighting conditioning and exigency operatons under guidance, mentorship and supervision of senors and officers in- charge in order to minimize the threat to life and property as wel as ves and property of the communities of the cosmopolisesPreparng for exigency incidents andprotecton duties under guidance, mentorship and supervision of senors and officers- n- charge in order to educate the publc and maintain a high standard of safety and functional effciency at exigency ncidents as we as reducing the incidents and inflexibility of fres, furnishing a safer terrain for frefighters and communities Preparing for emergencyincidents under guidance, mentorshp and supervision of seniors and officers in- charge to insure that equpment and vehcles are safe, avalable and in sound working order for functional effcency at exigency ncidents as we as maintain a safe and hygienc working envronmentPerforms basc administratve functions under gudance, mentorship and supervson of seniors and offcers in- charge to insure that applicable records where applicable are maintaned


Responsble to part take in the megacity’s Performance operation and Deveopment System

GENERAL A service perk fellow to one month’s payment, where applicable wil be outstanding and be supplementedby the normalbenefits applicable to the Muncpaity ncluding a casing aowance for home possessors subject to certain conditionsThe megacity s an equal opportunty employer and respects the condtons of the Employment Equity Act preference wlbe gven to campaigners who misbehave with the Employment Equity Targets.The Municipalty is n’t bound to make any appointment.All movables are subject to Police cearance; which means that by applying for a positon at the Muncipality, you give uspermsson to obtan a Police concurrenceoperations entered after the ending date or which have been receved wthout the attestation mentioned below, wlnot be considered.Ony short- listed aspirants wil be communicated for interviews. Appicants can regard their appcations as being unprofitable if no feedback has been receved withn six weeks from the ending date.Canvassng of any councilor and/ or member of the Appointment Committee and/ or any personne member of theMuncpaity wl not be allowed and wll incontinently qualify aspirants.In addition to the minimal job conditions and staton mentoned heren, appicants may be anticipated to work overtime or be on buttress, as well as render services in other corridor within the external area, asrequredAppointment in certan posts is subject to a securty cearance and applcants wll also suffer an interview and evaluationprocess and where necessary, write a trade test.The municipaty respects the conditions of the Protection of Personal Informaton Act. By submtting your information andoperation you confirm that the information you have provde to us is true, up to date and correct.Only operations within Bergrivier area( WC013) will be considered.Successfu canddates wl be anticipated to subscribe a contract of employment, exposure of benefts and nterests and aperformance contract( where applicable) wth the employer.A covering letter wth at least two( 2) contactabe references( directors, subordnates or peers), must accompany the completedspecified operation form( avalable on request at Tel. 0229136000 or on the muncipality’s webste www.bergmunorgza) with pukka clones of the necessary qualificaton instruments ID document motorists Licence and a Curricuum Vitae( Maximum of 3 runners),(only one post per applicaton form) to reach Municipal Offices (Aurora, Eendekuil, Redelinghuys, Piketberg, Porterville& Velddrif) within the municipal area or posted to PO Box 60, Piketberg, 7320 or by courier to 13 Church Street, Piketberg,7320, for the attention of Mr DF Verhoog, to reach him by no later than the closing date.

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71 thoughts on “FIRE FIGHTERS LEARNERSHIP 2024

  1. I wish to apply for the position available in this company.I am confident that I have knowledge and skills to the required position as required by the business.I am determined and ready to take on that challenges that lies ahead with this position.I am able and capable of learning very quickly and I will also contribute in making the company more successful
    I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and am confident that I can contribute positively to your company’s success

  2. I wish to apply for the position available in this company.I am confident that I have knowledge and skills to the required position as required by the business.I am determined and ready to take on that challenges that lies ahead with this position.I am able and capable of learning very quickly and I will also contribute in making the company more successful
    I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and am confident that I can contribute positively to your company’s success

    1. I wish to apply for the position in this company to gain experience and I really love to work , I’m a kind person

  3. I’m a qualified firefighter, NFPA 1001 firefighter 1&2, hazmat Awareness & operations, including first aid leve 3.

  4. Good evening
    I would like to be part of the fire fighter learnership team.i believe I meet the requirements.

  5. Peter Sibusiso Mathibela self-motivated ambitious person very hardworking and a team player eager to learn and pursue more career opportunities in the working environment

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